Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Animation Reference into Maya


Lets import some video reference to our Maya scene. Open any video editing software you use and separate the video to single frames. I used Photoshop to do it (yeah I know...). So, open the video.

Now select Export, Render Video.

Change settings to Photoshop Image Secuence. Adjust Document size and Frame Rate to your project.

 You will get an Image Secuence to the desired folder ready to use on Maya.

Open Maya and your scene with the Character. Create a plane behind your Character.

Now go to Hypershade and create a New Material (Lambert will do the trick). Click the checker next to the color tab to add a file to the material Color Output.

Then click on the folder icon and select the first frame of your Image Secuence. Click the checkbox Use Image Secuence.
And there it is, you have a Reference for animation on the perspective view.

Just need to move the time slider and start posing your character.

Have fun!